“A lot can change in two years. I would know. Just two years ago, I sat in a treatment facility waiting for a psychiatric drug prescription, careless as the passing minutes slowly wasted away. I had nothing to live for. The doctor finally returned, and I numbly looked up, unprepared for her explosive revelation: ‘We’re […]

Stories of Hope

Francesca’s Story

“A lot can change in two years. I would know.

Just two years ago, I sat in a treatment facility waiting for a psychiatric drug prescription, careless as the passing minutes slowly wasted away. I had nothing to live for. The doctor finally returned, and I numbly looked up, unprepared for her explosive revelation: ‘We’re sending you home on prenatals!’ she announced”

Finding Home, Finding Life

Read about the power of love, relationships, deep interventions, and faith has on each family served. From ending homelessness, bridging out of poverty, tackling addiction and most importantly, experiencing the love of God and his plans for each life.